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[New Torrent] slitaz-cooking.iso

Started by rynn, November 07, 2011, 04:46:59 PM

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31 May 2011 - New and fresh Cooking 20110531

The Slitaz team is proud to announce the release of a new Cooking version built with our new and fresh packages from cookutils. Cookutils is one of the new generation of tools to build SliTaz packages and provides a Build Bot with a nice web interface that works out-of-the-box on any SliTaz system. These new packages have been built with a new i486 optimized toolchain.

The full boot process has been improved and the first boot configuration is now done through GTK boxes in a X session and the boot time is also faster. This version comes with a new GUI tool for system configuration as well as our new system configuration panel aka TazPanel. TazPanel lets you configure the entire system via a xHTML/CSS web interface (useful for remote control) and it also handles package management and replaces the old GTK box.

Xorg now has dri support, so libdrm, linux-drm as well as linux-agp are part of the core ISO. This adds 1MB to the compressed root filesystem. But we managed to save a lot of space in the core ISO with our new packages and this new Cooking is 30MB! This new cooking also provides better internationalization and Italian support!