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[New Torrent] MOFO Linux 4.4

Started by powderfinger, March 04, 2016, 08:22:09 AM

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Welcome to MOFO Linux v4.4!
Defeating National Censorship Barriers

md5sum: cea09a41cf07b7eb0f52de9ccd686fa0  
sha1sum: 9a381cb9ae7e61ff785cbd01d825c81b0ebe629e  

MOFO Linux is an operating system optimized for defeating all major methods of internet censorship and surveillance used by governments, corporations, schools, and internet service providers. It is a tool created to empower people for exercising their inalienable rights to privacy, freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly, in accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The system contains office, multimedia, and internet applications enabling you to read, write, watch, or listen to any media from anywhere with an internet connection.

MOFO Linux is designed for easy usage on home PCs, laptops, and any computers installed in internet cafes around the world. Use MOFO Linux to break free of authoritarian powers intending to control the flow of information or "own the truth." For version 4.2, MOFO Linux is built upon Ubuntu 15.04, with all of the latest software for productivity and entertainment.

MOFO Linux has Encrypted DNS, OpenVPN, Softether, Tor, and I2P installed to provide anonymous and secure access to the internet. The system is designed for running from a bootable USB stick or "frugal install" on a hard drive / SSD. Browsing history and usage tracks are destroyed on shutdown.

MOFO Linux can be installed to a hard drive, flash memory device, or SSD in the manner of any other Ubuntu distribution. Use the included installation utility to install to a storage device with at least 8 GB of space. Changes are persistent in a fully installed system, so be sure to make liberal use of file encryption and clean-up applications installed in MOFO Linux.


As of version 4.0, MOFO Linux is configured with one default user account (mofo), with the ability to switch to root. There are no passwords in the default MOFO Linux distro. You may create your own password, if desired, but it is not necessary for typical usage.


Due to the removal of Openswan and dependencies from the Ubuntu repositories, L2TP/IPSec is not an available VPN. Strongswan is installed, providing IPSEC VPN connectivity.


Softether is the newest VPN protocol available in MOFO Linux. It is capable of fast broadband data transfers, uses strong encryption, but is highly targeted by censorship authorities. Client software for Linux is still sparse, but MOFO Linux includes the official client with connectivity through manually entered shell commands.

LANTERN (Domain Fronting Proxy)

Lantern works well in restricted internet environments. Simply find "Lantern" in the Dash application search (the top icon on the desktop launcher). Start Lantern and it will automatically connect to remote servers and provide fast, unrestricted internet access through Firefox.


To use an Open VPN service with MOFO Linux, follow these steps:

  • If you don't have a subscription to a VPN service, simply use the free servers at http://vpngate.net. If VPN Gate is blocked in your country, try the mirrors listed below to obtain fresh OpenVPN config files.[/*]
  • Keep a copy of your ovpn, key, ca, and crt files on a USB flashdrive or SD card. After starting MOFO Linux, use the OpenVPN Controller application to locate and open the desired ovpn file. For convenience, the files may be copied to the "openvpn" folder in the home directory. If using VPNGate, be aware that the keys and certificate data are contained within one ovpn file.[/*]
  • NetworkManager can also manage OpenVPN connections. Right click the networking icon and follow the menu prompts for creating a new server connection. The NetworkManager applet will not work with the VPNGate "single ovpn" files, which contain the certificate and key data. Again, use the OpenVPN Controller application for servers operated by VPNGate volunteers.[/*]
  • Bitmask is a new and potentially superior option which uses obfuscation with OpenVPN. It automatically is fantastic, managing server selection, encrypting the connection, and other tasks automatically. Bitmask will eventually also offer encrypted email services. It is known to effectively circumvent the Great Firewall of China! Start it by clicking its icon on the launcher.[/*]

    VPN Gate Alternate Mirrors

    Tor and I2P Anonymous Networking

    I2P is a new robust privacy and anonymity network. It is configured as a proxy, but does several other complex tasks to conceal identity and browsing activity. Tor is an older network, with a well developed infrastructure providing anonymity to internet users. For Tor, use the "Tor Browser" application, found on the launcher or by entering "Tor" in the Dash search field. For I2P, use the "I2P Controller" application, found by entering "I2P" in the Dash search field. These networks contain internally reachable, anonymized sites as well as exit nodes to the open internet.

    The Tor Browser, Tor Messenger, and OnionShare applications are fully configured for routing through Tor. If you are in China or other countries which block encryption, use the Tor bridges and pluggable transports to defeat the blockage.


    Veracrypt is the top multi-platform software for VERY STRONG file system encryption.  It has great features and performance - able to encrypt drives and directries, even hiding them from detection. It is compatible with Linux, Windows and Mac systems, so encrypted files may be created or accessed on just about any computer.

    Ecryptfs is an encrypted filesystem with support built into the Linux Kernel.  It is fast, strong, and efficient enough to keep users' files safe from unwanted access.  Use it to encrypt folders or whole drives which will hold sensitive data.  Ecryptfs is the principal means of encrypting the home directory and other storage volumes in Linux.

    It is suggested that users run MOFO Linux from a flash drive and keep a separate flashdrive partition for encrypted files.  Another option is to use a separate drive and encrypt its entire contents, accessing it through Veracrypt.  Doing that, it is possible to carry a large volume of data which is quite difficult to detect and even more difficult to decrypt.  In theory, a well-arranged encrypted volume should be secure for centuries. Be careful to create strong passwords.  Do not allow any secret keys to be compromised.


    The very good Ubuntu multimedia apps are enhanced with built-in audio equalization, compression, and limiting for extra punch in home theater / office presentation environments. Extra radio stations have been added to Rhythmbox for access to news, music, and political programming.


    MOFO Linux 4.0 and above continues with language options introduced in MOFO Linux 3.0. MOFO defaults to English on startup, but Chinese and Arabic system languages may be selected from the Settings application. Multilanguage keyboard input is always available. To change the system language, select it in "Language support", then LOG OUT and LOG BACK IN without turning off the computer. The new language will then be activated.

    Firefox may be switched between Chinese, Arabic, or English languages at any time by using the Tools -> Languages menu.


    MOFO Linux wishes to acknowledge and thank the developers creating Ubuntu Linux, the base system upon which MOFO Linux is built. Ubuntu provides incredibly smooth operation, fast perfomance, and a pleasant user interface quite suitable for building customized systems. The developers of the many cryptographic / VPN systems used by MOFO Linux get a nod too! Without OpenVPN, Tor, RSA, SSL, and other goodies, the world would be a much less free and more dangerous place.

    Good Luck And Hang Tough,
    Captain Thermobaric
    Website: http://mofolinux.com
    SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mofolinux/


    Creators or distributors of MOFO Linux bear no responsibility for the actions of end users. Users of MOFO Linux are responsible for their own actions and should consider legal implications of evading local and national censorship rules and take suitable measures to prevent interdiction. No guarantees or warranties are applicable to MOFO Linux; much of the software is beta, subject to countermeasures, or blocked by adversarial internet providers. Use of software in MOFO Linux is solely at the user's discretion and risk. MOFO Linux is not endorsed by or affiliated with Ubuntu / Canonical. Ubuntu is simply used as a foundation for building MOFO Linux.

    MOFO Linux Changelog:

    Version 4.4:
            Added Jitsi (VOIP) 2.8.5426  
            Configured Fcitx multilanguage input methods  
            Disabled Unity "Online Search Results"  
            Upgraded kernel 4.2.0-30-generic  
            Upgraded Firefox 44.0.2  
            Upgraded Lantern 2.0.16  
            Upgraded Libreoffice  
            Upgraded Popcorn-Time 0.3.9  
            Upgraded Thunderbird 38.5.1 (with Enigmail)  
            Upgraded Tor Browser 5.5.2  
            Updated WebSDR server list

    Version 4.3:
            Ubuntu 15.10 base system, kernel 4.2.0-21-generic  
            Changed default username and hostname to "mofo"  
            Bug Fixes: DNScrypt-Proxy, I2P, Popcorn-Time, Privoxy  
            Added Onionshare 0.8.1  
            Upgraded Bitmask 0.9.1  
            Upgraded Filezilla  
            Upgraded Libreoffice  
            Upgraded Thunderbird 38.4.0 (with Enigmail)  
            Upgraded Tor Browser 5.0.7

    Version 4.2:
            Added Fcitx inputs m17n and Googlepinyin
            Added Filezilla
            Added Lantern 2.0.10
            Added Tor Messenger (beta)
            Added Transmission 2.84
            Upgraded Firefox 42.0
            Upgraded Popcorn-Time 0.3.8-5 (beta, with working movie API)
            Upgraded Tor Browser to v5.0.4
            Upgraded Veracrypt  to v1.14

    Version 4.1:
            Activated ZRAM kernel module for better performance
            Added JonDo (Java Anonymity Proxy) v00.19.001.1

    Version 4.0:
       Changed to Ubuntu base system v15.04, 64 bits, Linux kernel 3.19.0-15
            Upgraded OpenVPN 2.3.2
            Added SoftEther VPN client 4.18
            Added Tor v0.2.5.10, with Tor Browser bundle v5.0
            Added Bitmask 0.8.1
            Added Bleachbit 1.8
            Added Ecryptfs Utilities
            Added Popcorn-Time 0.3.8-2
            I2P 0.9.18
            DNScrypt system maintained at 1.6.0
            Upgraded Libre Office
            Upgraded Firefox 39
            Ring (VOIP) version 0.4
            Expanded English, Chinese, and Arabic Laguage support.
            Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0_45
            Privoxy 3.0.21 integrated with Firefox (routing for Tor and I2P)
            Python 2.7.9
            Generic video drivers updated.
            Veracrypt 1.0f-2

    End of Document