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[New Torrent] Proxmox 3.0 RC1 Virtual Environment

Started by mcangeli, May 09, 2013, 08:51:08 AM

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We just released Proxmox VE 3.0 RC1 (release candidate). Its based on the great Debian 7.0 release (Wheezy) and introduces a great new feature set - VM templates and clones. Under the hood, many improvements and optimizations are done, most important is the replacement of Apache 2 by our own event driven API server. Changelog: new VM clone feature; new event-driven API server (pveproxy); completely replace Apache 2; efficient support for HTTP keep-alive; support bootlogd (boot log can be viewed on the GUI); update qemu-kvm to 1.4.1; update kernel to vzkernel 2.6.32; changed default IO Scheduler to 'deadline'....