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[New Torrent] KNOPPIX_V7.0.5CD-2012-12-21-EN

Started by clowenstein, December 22, 2012, 03:01:34 PM

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Klaus Knopper has announced the release of KNOPPIX 7.0.5, the final update of the KNOPPIX 7.0 line:
QuoteVersion 7.0.5 of KNOPPIX is based on the usual picks from Debian stable and newer desktop packages from Debian testing and Debian unstable. It uses Linux kernel 3.6.11 and X.Org 7.7 (Core 1.12.4) for supporting current computer hardware. Optional 64-bit kernel via boot option 'knoppix64', supporting systems with more than 4 GB of RAM and chroot to 64-bit installations for system rescue tasks (DVD edition only). LibreOffice 3.6.4, GIMP 2.8, Chromium 22.0.1229.94 and Iceweasel 10.0.11, LXDE (default) with the PCManFM 1.0 file manager, KDE 4.8 (boot option 'knoppix desktop=kde'), GNOME 3.4 (boot option 'knoppix desktop=gnome'). Wine version 1.5 for integration of Windows-based programs....
Read the rest of the release notes for boot options, re-mastering notes and other details. http://knopper.net/knoppix/knoppix705-en.html