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[New Torrent] pmagic-6.1.iso

Started by clowenstein, May 08, 2011, 01:47:43 PM

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5/7/2011: Parted Magic 6.1

QuoteThis version of Parted Magic includes a new Xorg build and some bug fixes. The Nouveau Xorg driver for nvidia chips is used by default now. The black screen problem with the Intel Mobile 4 Series Integrated Graphics Controllers has been fixed. A mess of other minor issues were addressed.

Updated Programs: alsa-lib-, ddrescue-1.14, file-5.05, alsa-utils-, dmidecode-2.11, fuse-2.8.5, mc-, cpio-2.11, dosfstools-3.0.11, gdisk-0.6.14, mdadm-3.1.5, cryptsetup-1.2.0, dvd+rw-tools-7.1, lsscsi-0.24, tar-1.26, syslinux-4.04, xorg-server-1.9.5 (all compatible drivers and libraries too), ocz_sf_fw_set, linux-, nwipe-0.05, firefox-4.0.1, hdt-0.5.0
QuoteThe Parted Magic OS employs core programs of GParted and Parted to handle partitioning tasks with ease, while featuring other useful software (e.g. Partimage, TestDisk, Truecrypt, Clonezilla, G4L, SuperGrubDisk, ddrescue, etc...) and an excellent set of info to benefit the user. An extensive collection of file system tools are also included, as Parted Magic supports the following: btrfs, ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs+, jfs, linux-swap, ntfs, reiserfs, reiser4, and xfs.

Parted Magic requires at least a i586 processor and 312MB of RAM to operate or 175MB in "Live" mode.

Format internal and external hard drives.
Move, copy, create, delete, expand & shrink hard drive partitions.
Clone your hard drive, to create a full backup.
Test hard drives for impending failure.
Test memory for bad sectors.
Benchmark your computer for a performace rating.
Securely erase your entire hard drive, wiping it clean from all data.
Gives access to non-booting systems allowing you to rescue important data.
Runs from the CD, no install required.
