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[New Torrent] Zephix 7R GNOME ISO

Started by TheLinuxMan, September 29, 2023, 09:33:54 PM

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Free, Modular, Portable

Experience the Freedom: Embrace a Live, Modern, and Portable Linux OS powered by Debian Stable!

Zephix is a live Linux operating system based on Debian stable. It runs totally from removable media without touching any files stored on the user's system disk. The aim of Zephix is to provide a free modular operating system that users can carry with them and use wherever there is laptop or a desktop system available.
Moreover, when running from USB, one can make additional changes (configuration changes, add new software, etc.) and then save all the changes back to the USB device as a module. These changes will then become available on the next boot. This means that you will not lose your customisations (if you wish to) and this is what makes Zephix a unique, special and highly portable operating system!
Zephix can also boot in a persistent mode. This means that all your changes will automatically be saved on the device running Zephix without the need to create a module to keep customisations across reboots. Having said that, the modular approach is still highly suggested but persistence makes life easier especially for those users who are always on the go.
The default user is tux and the password is also tux. To become root, just type su, press Enter and type the password toor. The default user can also become root without any password prompt by typing sudo su. The minimum system requirements to run Zephix are a 1GHz Pentium processor and 512MB of RAM, although better specifications are recommended for a faster and smoother live system experience.
In order to transfer Zephix to a USB device, Rufus is recommended if you will be performing the operation using Microsoft Windows. Using Rufus, Zephix should be copied in ISO mode, when prompted, in order to be able to use the persistence facility. If you will be a using a Linux based operating system to perform the operation, you can use bootiso and transfer the ISO using Mount-Rsync mode.

Visit the Zephix website here:
