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[New Torrent] Pin Linux Base antiX MX 20220104 ISO

Started by TheLinuxMan, January 18, 2022, 11:45:08 AM

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Pin Linux OS (MX Linux 21 Spin). A light version of MX/antiX Linux LXDE. This is not a new Distro it's just an antiX/MX Linux 21 spin using LXDE. This system is based on antiX-core using MX Linux repository, come with minimal installed

The base version its only the base, only essential to boot up the system with graphic interface. Kernel 5.15. Boots up with 230 MB RAM

The base for old machines its the same base but with more old drivers and kernel 4.4 (Virtual Machines not supported). Boots up with 185 MB RAM

Support only 64 bits (x86_64, amd64)
Recommended for old machines. Nevertheless, if you have a modern machine, it will fly

Applied docs from Debian, antiX, MX and Sparky Linux in most scenarios

Visit the Pin Linux Website here:
