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[New Torrent] SimplyMEPIS-DVD-TEST_10.9.94_64.iso

Started by ceandrewk, March 29, 2011, 12:38:49 PM

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This is the first release candidate of SimplyMEPIS 11.0, a user-friendly, Debian-based distribution with KDE.  It is now ready for testing.

MEPIS 11.0 RC1 is build from a Debian Squeeze stable foundation with the following major differences: a MEPIS configured kernel, NVIDIA driver 260.19.21, KDE 4.5.1, Firefox 4.0, Libreoffice 3.3.2, and the usual MEPIS tweaks that make it ready to use out-of-the-box.

For 11.0, the MEPIS community has produced an attractive new desktop theme and an excellent updated user manual, as well as a quick start guide.

Warren said: \"Please let us know what you think of RC1, by posting your comments and suggestions at the mepiscommunity.org forum.\"