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[New Torrent] salientos-v20.07.13-x86_64

Started by Greger, July 13, 2020, 12:22:49 PM

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Salient OS is an arch-based rolling-release distribution aimed at multi-media / gaming enthusiasts. It comes pre-configured with various applications out of the box to aid you in getting started quickly without having to download these applications yourself.

The default user is 'liveuser' with no password, although auto login is enabled for the live session.

The installer can be found in the main menu under the System category, namely, Install Salient OS. Salient OS uses the Calamares Installer by default. By default the installer auto loads at the desktop.

For gamers utilising esync/dxvk, lutris/steam proton, the system and security limits have been configured accordingly to give the best performance out of the box saving you these additional steps.

Essentially, there are two versions of Salient OS, XFCE and an KDE Plasma version.

Live USB
Rolling Release Model
AUR Support (if needed)
PAMAC / YAY Included
XFCE / KDE Plasma
Beautiful Design
Calamares Installer
Optimised for Gamers
Optimised for Multimedia
CUPS Printer Support
Uncluttered Desktop
Quick Menu Access
Lutris / Steam Included
System Limits Optimised

Salient OS - Changelog - v2020.07
General Updates
Working through the configuration files for both ISO's, much legacy configuration has been updated / removed inline with Arch linux.

Fixed Samba Shares XFCE / PLASMA ISO's
Fixed EFI boot partition location (now /boot/efi)
Fixed Root theme to use system theme.
Fixed regressions that had crept in with Audio / Realtime configurations.
Fixed pamac software manager missing icons.
This is/was an issue with archlinux-appstream-data package.

A problem exists on Linux with Discord quitting randomly when in voice calls. This appears to be linked to libappindicator. This should have been addressed upstream. (Please let me know!)

Potentially fixed Discord on Linux quitting randomly.
Software Components
Calamares updated to 3.2.27 branch
Removed several AUDIO Applications
Removed several AUDIO VST Plugins