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[New Torrent] antiX M12 Pre-Final 486

Started by Fr0zen, May 28, 2012, 02:56:28 AM

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A pre-final build of antiX M12, a fast and lightweight Linux distribution for old computers, is available for final testing: \"Twelve months on from the release of antiX M11, we now make available for testing our antiX M12 series. Three versions to play with: full - features 5 windows managers, IceWM, Fluxbox, JWM (all with or without a Rox desktop) wmii and dwm. LibreOffice replaces AbiWord and Gnumeric. Iceweasel 10 replaces Iceape, Claws-Mail included as email client; base - features Fluxbox, JWM, wmii and dwm; core - no X window, CLI installer only. All use Debian 'Testing' repositories by default and all applications upgraded up to 26 May 2012. All versions use Linux kernel 3.3.5, customised for antiX to allow booting with PI and AMD K5/K6 CPUs.