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[New Torrent] Lightweight Portable Security 1.3.3 Public

Started by Fr0zen, April 14, 2012, 11:07:56 AM

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A new version of Lightweight Portable Security (LPS), a Linux live CD with strong privacy protection features created by the United States Department of Defence, is out. Version 1.3.3 is a maintenance release, updating Firefox, Flash, Adobe Reader and OpenSSL, and adding Thunderbird and Pidgin to the \"deluxe\" edition. From the changelog: \"Changes in version 1.3.3: updated Firefox to 10.0.3 ESR; updated Flash to; updated OpenSSL to 0.9.8u; updated Adobe Reader to 9.5.1; updated Encryption Wizard application to 3.3.2; added Thunderbird 3.1.20 and DAVmail to LPS-Public Deluxe for S/MIME email support with MS Exchange OWA; added Pidgin 2.10.2 (with SameTime support); added VMware View 1.4; added option for OpenDNS DNSCrypt; added Firefox extension HTTPS Everywhere 2.0.1; added Firefox extension NoScript 2.3.7 (disabled by default).