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[New Torrent] Tiny-Core-Linux-4.4

Started by Fr0zen, March 19, 2012, 12:43:44 AM

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Robert Shingledecker has announced the release of Tiny Core Linux 4.4, a minimalist but extensible and fast distribution for the desktop: \"Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core 4.4. The major theme for Core 4.4 is kernel and modules update and improved extension searching via tags. Changelog: minor kernel update to 3.0.21; updated tc-config with syslog/rsyslog patch; updated Xprogs.tcz: scmbrowser and smc-fetch.sh tweaks; updated search.sh added -t option for tag search; updated provides.sh for CLI use; updated appbrowser for new tag search; updated ab keyword is now a tag search; updated tce-size with date check on sizefile update; updated tce-setup fixed when base boot code is used with missing /tmp/tce/optional directory; updated tce-setdrive with a required readlink; updated filetool.sh with a required readlink when used after tce-setdrive....