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[New Torrent] Apartheid Linux Antiforensic Debian Edition i686

Started by Brage, June 13, 2016, 12:30:17 PM

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New release!

What is Apartheid Linux?
Apartheid Linux is a minimal anti-forensic live CD, based on a stripped down version of Debian Jessie with the light and nimble LXDE desktop environment.

In memoria
This version of Apartheid is named after the philosopher Alfred Rosenberg.

What is new?
First of all, Apartheid has changed its base from the volatile PCLinuxOS base to the very stable Debian base. This means that Apartheid will be faster, more stable, and have access to more packages than before.

Why use it?
Built for privacy, Apartheid comes with a working and properly configured version of the Tor Browser. Since the OS is run from RAM, no trace of Tor usage is found on the computer, and no data can of course be written to the CD.

More than just a live cd
Apartheid can be installed to the hard drive using the «refractainstaller» tool. (Open the root terminal, enter «root» as password and then «refractainstaller».)

Apartheid can also be installed to a USB stick.

100% compatible with Debian
Apartheid is compatible with Debian, and can be turned into a regular Debian install. The biggest difference is that Apartheid comes pre-configured and supports more hardware.

Where to get it
Apartheid can be downloaded here if the torrent is dead: https://1fichier.com/?0dw0zu292e

File info
Name:Apartheid.Linux.Antiforensic.Debian.Edition.1 4.88.Alfred.Rosenberg.i586.iso
Md5sum: 6d8ff812a50de2740f23e08418fe6d8c
File size: 584 MB

Live cd info
User name: guest
Password: guest
Root password: root

Feel free to upload this file wherever you want!

Thanks to
northernsun and panico88 (wallpapers)