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SparkyLinux 7 4 x86 64 LXQt ISO (Multi.)
Sparky is a fast, lightweight and fully customizable operating system which offers several versions for different use cases, such as: [*]a fully featured standard desktop version with a lightweight desktop environment. It works out of the box on almost any hardware and delivers a curated selection of software for home users. [*]the frugal MinimalGUI version with the Openbox window manager. It contains only the bare necessities and is intended for users who want full flexibility when creating

Added On: 17/06/2024
Size: 1.86 GB
Seeds 2
Leechers 0
Completed 21 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 4 arm64 ZIP (Multi.)
Sparky is a fast, lightweight and fully customizable operating system which offers several versions for different use cases, such as: [*]a fully featured standard desktop version with a lightweight desktop environment. It works out of the box on almost any hardware and delivers a curated selection of software for home users. [*]the frugal MinimalGUI version with the Openbox window manager. It contains only the bare necessities and is intended for users who want full flexibility when creating

Added On: 17/06/2024
Size: 1.47 GB
Seeds 14
Leechers 0
Completed 105 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

sparkylinux 2024 05 x86 64 kde iso (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution created using the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky is fast, lightweight and fully customizable. Sparky is built around the Openbox window manager and offers versions for different users and different tasks. Main features: Based on Debian GNU/Linux Stable and semi-rolling editions Lightweight, fast & simple Choose your favorite desktop Main editions – LXDE, LXQt, & Xfce desktops Special editions: GameOver for gamers Multimedia for work

Added On: 09/05/2024
Size: 2.14 GB
Seeds 51
Leechers 2
Completed 107 Magnet Link torrent

--- juanro49 N/A N/A

sparkylinux 2024 02 x86 64 kde iso (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution created using the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky is fast, lightweight and fully customizable. Sparky is built around the Openbox window manager and offers versions for different users and different tasks. Main features: Based on Debian GNU/Linux Stable and semi-rolling editions Lightweight, fast & simple Choose your favorite desktop Main editions – LXDE, LXQt, & Xfce desktops Special editions: GameOver for gamers Multimedia for work

Added On: 17/02/2024
Size: 2.10 GB
Seeds 72
Leechers 40
Completed 97 Magnet Link torrent

--- juanro49 N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 arm64 CLI ZIP (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 698.05 MB
Seeds 2
Leechers 4
Completed 23 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 arm64 ZIP (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 1.48 GB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 23 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 armhf CLI ZIP (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 948.91 MB
Seeds 2
Leechers 13
Completed 23 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 armhf ZIP (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 1.70 GB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 21 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 MinimalCLI i686 ISO (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 701.00 MB
Seeds 3
Leechers 9
Completed 26 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 MinimalGUI i686 ISO (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 1.19 GB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 27 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 KDE x86 64 ISO (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 2.04 GB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 41 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 LXQt x86 64 ISO (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 1.76 GB
Seeds 2
Leechers 10
Completed 28 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 Mate x86 64 ISO (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 1.94 GB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 26 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 MinimalCLI x86 64 ISO (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 754.00 MB
Seeds 3
Leechers 2
Completed 26 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 2 MinimalGUI x86 64 ISO (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 1.36 GB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 27 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A
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