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Damn Small Linux 2024 RC6 ISO (Multi.)
The New DSL 2024 has been reborn as a compact Linux distribution tailored for low-spec x86 computers. It packs a lot of applications into a small package. All the applications are chosen for their functionality, small size, and low dependencies. DSL 2024 also has many text-based applications that make it handy to use in a term window or TTY. DSL 2024 currently only ships with two window managers: Fluxbox and JWM. Both are lightweight, fairly intuitive, and easy to use. DSL has four X-based

Added On: 14/07/2024
Size: 684.67 MB
Seeds 10
Leechers 0
Completed 28 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Damn Small Linux 2024 RC6 LZ4 ISO (Multi.)
The New DSL 2024 has been reborn as a compact Linux distribution tailored for low-spec x86 computers. It packs a lot of applications into a small package. All the applications are chosen for their functionality, small size, and low dependencies. DSL 2024 also has many text-based applications that make it handy to use in a term window or TTY. DSL 2024 currently only ships with two window managers: Fluxbox and JWM. Both are lightweight, fairly intuitive, and easy to use. DSL has four X-based

Added On: 14/07/2024
Size: 1.14 GB
Seeds 9
Leechers 0
Completed 26 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Damn Small Linux 2024 RC 4
The New DSL 2024 has been reborn as a compact Linux distribution tailored for low-spec x86 computers. It packs a lot of applications into a small package. All the applications are chosen for their functionality, small size, and low dependencies. DSL 2024 also has many text-based applications that make it handy to use in a term window or TTY. DSL 2024 currently only ships with two window managers: Fluxbox and JWM. Both are lightweight, fairly intuitive, and easy to use. https://www.damnsma

Added On: 22/05/2024
Size: 689.15 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed 48 Magnet Link torrent

--- Yan N/A 100%

Damn Small Linux 2024 Alpha
The New DSL 2024 has been reborn as a compact Linux distribution tailored for low-spec x86 computers. It packs a lot of applications into a small package. All the applications are chosen for their functionality, small size, and low dependencies. DSL 2024 also has many text-based applications that make it handy to use in a term window or TTY. [url][/url] MD5SUM: c9941fab32e9a6d1962a8119b85a8e85 dsl-2024.alpha.iso SHA256SUM: 0d8b3b7f7826d51143b56c24eb6243e

Added On: 04/02/2024
Size: 665.79 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed 53 Magnet Link torrent

--- Yan N/A 100%
WT Av.