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Armbian 22 02 2 OrangePiZero2 Bullseye Legacy 4 9 255 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 17/05/2022
Size: 339.23 MB
Seeds 116
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 508 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 2 OrangePi PC2 Focal Current 5 15 26 XFCE Desktop IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 18/05/2022
Size: 1.04 GB
Seeds 214
Leechers 3
Completed ↓ 488 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 BananaPi Jammy Current 5 15 25 XFCE Desktop IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 02/05/2022
Size: 1.03 GB
Seeds 197
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 468 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 OrangePi Lite Bullseye Current 5 15 25 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 09/05/2022
Size: 334.93 MB
Seeds 190
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 454 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 Odroid HC4 Jammy Current 5 10 102 XFCE Desktop IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 05/05/2022
Size: 1.09 GB
Seeds 259
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 450 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 BananaPi Pro Jammy Current 5 15 25 XFCE Desktop IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 02/05/2022
Size: 1.04 GB
Seeds 164
Leechers 1
Completed ↓ 449 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

WindowsFX 11 2 22 04 1 Plasma Windows 11 WXD 11 5 Theme ISO (Multi.)
The Microsoft Windows 11 interface with the speed and security of Linuxfx. [b]Friendly Interface[/b] Take advantage of all your knowledge immediately! Linuxfx has the same interface as Windows 11 from Microsoft. [b]Office Tools[/b] Linuxfx brings the MS Office online and OnlyOffice Suite for continuous production, without license costs. [b]Microsoft Applications[/b] Linuxfx natively brings the Edge browser, Teams, Skype, PowerShell, Office Online, Code and more. [b]WxDesktop

Added On: 19/08/2022
Size: 4.50 GB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↓ 425 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 Raspberry Pi 4B Focal Current 5 15 24 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 12/05/2022
Size: 405.53 MB
Seeds 208
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 423 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Tuxedo OS 3 202406251414 ISO (Multi.)
Making Linux accessible to the general public" - this is our mission at TUXEDO Computers. With TUXEDO OS, we not only offer Linux notebooks and PCs but also the operating system optimized for our hardware. Fast, secure, powerful and covering all application purposes in the best possible way: The operating system tailor-made for your TUXEDO! Based on the KDE plasma desktop, TUXEDO OS creates a user experience that is also suitable for beginners with a large and flexible feature set for Lin

Added On: 27/06/2024
Size: 3.55 GB
Seeds 33
Leechers 0
Completed ↓ 402 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 x86 64 (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 31/05/2024
Size: 15.74 GB
Seeds 210
Leechers 10
Completed ↓ 401 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 BananaPi Pro Bullseye Current 5 15 25 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 02/05/2022
Size: 334.37 MB
Seeds 154
Leechers 0
Completed ↓ 397 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 BananaPi M2 Plus Jammy Current 5 15 25 XFCE Desktop IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 02/05/2022
Size: 1.04 GB
Seeds 136
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 397 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 Cubox I Jammy Current 5 15 25 XFCE Desktop IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 03/05/2022
Size: 1.08 GB
Seeds 164
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 391 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Ultramarine Flagship 40 Live x86 64 ISO (Multi.)
Ultramarine Linux is a Linux-based operating system designed for your own personal workstation (or battlestation). It is designed to be as easy to use as possible, and stays out of your way. Ultramarine Linux keeps up with the latest and greatest software in the open-source community, while trying to be stable and secure. Ultramarine is for everyone, from the beginner to the tech enthusiast, and even Windows dropouts! [b]Based on Fedora®[/b] Designed to be 100% bug-for-bug compatible with Fe

Added On: 16/06/2024
Size: 2.80 GB
Seeds 145
Leechers 6
Completed ↓ 386 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 OrangePi 3 Bullseye Current 5 15 25 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 09/05/2022
Size: 362.90 MB
Seeds 184
Leechers 1
Completed ↓ 384 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A
WT Av.
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