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Parrot Security 6 1 amd64 ISO (Multi.)
The ultimate framework for your Cyber Security operations. [b]Tools for every operation[/b] Choose between 600+ tools for every kind of Red and Blue team operation. Parrot Security provides a huge arsenal of tools, utilities and libraries that IT and security professionals can use to test and assess the security of their assets in a reliable, compliant and reproducible way. From information gathering to the final report. The Parrot system gets you covered with the most flexible environm

Added On: 05/06/2024
Size: 4.84 GB
Seeds 472
Leechers 45
Completed ↓ 5763 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

BlendOS V4 ISO (Multi.)
Arch Linux made declarative, immutable and atomic. With Android app support and Fedora, Debian, CentOS Stream and Ubuntu containers available, as well as system packages/DEs/kernels from Arch Linux and the AUR. [b]Declarative[/b] blendOS v4 is fully declarative, allowing you to use custom packages, kernels, drivers and desktop environments on a minimal, atomic Arch Linux base system. [b]Atomic[/b] Unlike most other operating systems, blendOS ensures your system does not end up in a half-

Added On: 15/06/2024
Size: 2.12 GB
Seeds 179
Leechers 2
Completed ↓ 1551 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 2 OrangePi PC Bullseye Current 5 15 26 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 18/05/2022
Size: 326.45 MB
Seeds 272
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 1262 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 9 3 x86 64 (Multi.)
An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHELĀ®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHELĀ®, and guided and built by the community. As a standal

Added On: 20/11/2023
Size: 12.78 GB
Seeds 357
Leechers 70
Completed ↓ 1137 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 Odroid XU4 Bullseye Current 5 4 181 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 05/05/2022
Size: 331.83 MB
Seeds 243
Leechers 0
Completed ↓ 823 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 BananaPi Bullseye Current 5 15 25 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 02/05/2022
Size: 334.59 MB
Seeds 204
Leechers 0
Completed ↓ 763 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 RaspberryPi 4B Jammy Current 5 15 24 XFCE Desktop IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 12/05/2022
Size: 1.31 GB
Seeds 107
Leechers 0
Completed ↓ 723 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 OrangePi Zero Jammy Current 5 15 25 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 10/05/2022
Size: 304.11 MB
Seeds 164
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 711 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 Tinkerboard Bullseye Current 5 15 25 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 04/05/2022
Size: 328.38 MB
Seeds 189
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 666 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 2 OrangePi PC Focal Current 5 15 26 XFCE Desktop IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 18/05/2022
Size: 989.79 MB
Seeds 213
Leechers 0
Completed ↓ 665 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 Pinebook Pro Focal Current 5 15 25 XFCE Desktop IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 10/05/2022
Size: 1.07 GB
Seeds 142
Leechers 4294967295
Completed ↓ 602 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 OrangePi Zero Bullseye Current 5 15 25 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 10/05/2022
Size: 326.31 MB
Seeds 256
Leechers 0
Completed ↓ 595 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 1 OrangePi One Bullseye Current 5 15 25 IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 10/05/2022
Size: 345.55 MB
Seeds 197
Leechers 1
Completed ↓ 562 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Armbian 22 02 2 OrangePi PC Plus Focal Current 5 15 26 XFCE Desktop IMG XZ (Multi.)
[b]Simple[/b] Powerful menu driven configuration tool along with stock Debian utilities. BASH shell and lightweight XFCE based desktop. [b]Lightweight[/b] Standard boot, config and update methods with minimal user-space footprint. Special config utilities are optional. [b]Optimised[/b] A distributed image is compressed to its real data size which starts below 1G. Login is possible via serial, HDMI/VGA or SSH. [b]Fast[/b] Boot loader and kernel optimisations, memory caching,

Added On: 18/05/2022
Size: 983.77 MB
Seeds 208
Leechers 9
Completed ↓ 560 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

BlendOS 3 x86 64 Plasma ISO (Multi.)
The only operating system you'll ever need. A seamless blend of all Linux distributions, Android apps and web apps. [b]Apps. Millions of them.[/b] With native support for Android apps and Linux apps from Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch Linux, Kali Linux, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux and more, blendOS gives you access to tons of apps with numbers reaching into the millions. Just double-click on an APK, DEB or RPM to install it. [b]Gaming[/b] Regardless of whether you're a simple, after-hour

Added On: 16/07/2023
Size: 3.38 GB
Seeds 34
Leechers 14
Completed ↓ 542 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A
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