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Simplicity Linux

Simplicity Mini 19 04
Simplicity Linux is a Puppy Linux derivative with LXDE as the default desktop environment. It comes in three editions: Desktop, Mini and X. The Mini edition features cloud-based software, the Desktop flavour offers a collection of general-purpose software, and the X variant is designed to provide more cutting edge software to PC users and is the only edition of the three to feature a 64-bit build. ~~Distrowatch

Added On: 28/04/2019
Size: 305.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 22 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%
Simplicity Linux

Simplicity1910Alpha1 Pack
Simplicity Linux is a Puppy Linux derivative with Xfce as the default desktop environment. It comes in three editions: Desktop, Mini and X. The Mini edition features cloud-based software, the Desktop flavour offers a collection of general-purpose software, and the X variant is designed to provide more cutting edge software to PC users and is the only edition of the three to feature a 64-bit build.

Added On: 28/08/2019
Size: 1.68 GB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 29 Magnet Link torrent

--- DEMONLORD N/A 100%
Simplicity Linux

Simplicity Linux Alpha 207
Simplicity Linux is a Devuan-based distribution with Cinnamon as the default desktop environment (prior to 2020 it was based on Puppy Linux and Xfce). It comes in three editions: Mini, Desktop and Gaming. The Mini edition features cloud-based software, the Desktop flavour offers a collection of general-purpose software, and the Gaming variant includes a launcher for Steam games. Simplicity Linux uses Buster Dog ( as a base, and Cinnamon

Added On: 27/05/2020
Size: 2.81 GB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 33 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%
Simplicity Linux

Simplicity Linux 204 Pack
Simplicity Linux is a Devuan-based distribution with Cinnamon as the default desktop environment (prior to 2020 it was based on Puppy Linux and Xfce). It comes in three editions: Mini, Desktop and Gaming. The Mini edition features cloud-based software, the Desktop flavour offers a collection of general-purpose software, and the Gaming variant includes a launcher for Steam games. Simplicity Linux uses Buster Dog ( as a base, and Cinnamon

Added On: 30/04/2020
Size: 3.12 GB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 42 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%
WT Av.