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Fedora 40 Workstation Live x86 64 (Multi.)
Oh, wow. This feels like a big number! I’m proud to announce the 40th release of Fedora Linux, a community-built and community-maintained operating system that belongs to all of us. I’m also happy to note that we’re back on track with an on-time release. Thank you to all Fedora contributors who made that possible, and who have, yet again, made this our best one ever. This is also a personally exciting number for me, because this marks the 20th release for which I’ve served as Fedora Project L

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 2.14 GB
Seeds ↓ 367
Leechers 0
Completed 372 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Pidora 2014 R3 (Multi.)
[url][/url] [url][/url] There are some interesting new features we'd like to highlight: * Rootfs-Resize now works with logical partitions * Raspberrypi kernel-devel package has been added * New Pidora 2014 splash screen * New Pidora logos * Improved Headless Mode can be used with setups lacking a monitor or display * Much faster boot speed * Faster and smoother graphical usability, with Xorg fbturbo driver * Almost all of

Added On: 02/08/2014
Size: 550.19 MB
Seeds ↓ 337
Leechers 1
Completed 2418 Magnet Link torrent

--- Anonymous N/A N/A

Fedora KDE Live x86 64 40 (Multi.)
Fedora (formerly Fedora Core) is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and owned by Red Hat. Fedora contains software distributed under a free and open-source license and aims to be on the leading edge of such technologies. Fedora has a reputation for focusing on innovation, integrating new technologies early on and working closely with upstream Linux communities. The Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop Edition is a powerful Fedora-based operating system utilizing the

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 2.46 GB
Seeds ↓ 253
Leechers 2
Completed 447 Magnet Link torrent

--- JLP N/A N/A

Fedora 40 Server DVD x86 64 (Multi.)
Oh, wow. This feels like a big number! I’m proud to announce the 40th release of Fedora Linux, a community-built and community-maintained operating system that belongs to all of us. I’m also happy to note that we’re back on track with an on-time release. Thank you to all Fedora contributors who made that possible, and who have, yet again, made this our best one ever. This is also a personally exciting number for me, because this marks the 20th release for which I’ve served as Fedora Project L

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 2.43 GB
Seeds ↓ 217
Leechers 1
Completed 127 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora 38 Workstation Live x86 64 (Multi.)
Fedora Linux 38 introduces several new Spins ­— variants that showcase different desktop environments. The popular Budgie Desktop environment, first packaged for Fedora in F37, now has its own Spin. The Fedora Budgie Spin aims to provide the premiere Budgie Desktop experience on top of Fedora Linux, the leading edge platform for developers and users alike. For fans of tiling window managers, we now offer the Sway window manager in a Spin and in an rpm-ostree version we call “Sericea”. Sway us

Added On: 25/06/2023
Size: 1.96 GB
Seeds ↓ 181
Leechers 1
Completed 203 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora 38 Server DVD x86 64 (Multi.)
Fedora Linux 38 introduces several new Spins ­— variants that showcase different desktop environments. The popular Budgie Desktop environment, first packaged for Fedora in F37, now has its own Spin. The Fedora Budgie Spin aims to provide the premiere Budgie Desktop experience on top of Fedora Linux, the leading edge platform for developers and users alike. For fans of tiling window managers, we now offer the Sway window manager in a Spin and in an rpm-ostree version we call “Sericea”. Sway us

Added On: 25/06/2023
Size: 2.27 GB
Seeds ↓ 124
Leechers 1
Completed 49 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora 40 Silverblue ostree x86 64 (Multi.)
Oh, wow. This feels like a big number! I’m proud to announce the 40th release of Fedora Linux, a community-built and community-maintained operating system that belongs to all of us. I’m also happy to note that we’re back on track with an on-time release. Thank you to all Fedora contributors who made that possible, and who have, yet again, made this our best one ever. This is also a personally exciting number for me, because this marks the 20th release for which I’ve served as Fedora Project L

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 3.34 GB
Seeds ↓ 114
Leechers 1
Completed 127 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora 40 XFCE Live x86 64 (Multi.)
Oh, wow. This feels like a big number! I’m proud to announce the 40th release of Fedora Linux, a community-built and community-maintained operating system that belongs to all of us. I’m also happy to note that we’re back on track with an on-time release. Thank you to all Fedora contributors who made that possible, and who have, yet again, made this our best one ever. This is also a personally exciting number for me, because this marks the 20th release for which I’ve served as Fedora Project L

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 1.76 GB
Seeds ↓ 112
Leechers 1
Completed 180 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora 40 Cinnamon Live x86 64 (Multi.)
Oh, wow. This feels like a big number! I’m proud to announce the 40th release of Fedora Linux, a community-built and community-maintained operating system that belongs to all of us. I’m also happy to note that we’re back on track with an on-time release. Thank you to all Fedora contributors who made that possible, and who have, yet again, made this our best one ever. This is also a personally exciting number for me, because this marks the 20th release for which I’ve served as Fedora Project L

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 2.38 GB
Seeds ↓ 99
Leechers 2
Completed 125 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora 40 Workstation Live osb x86 64 (Multi.)
Oh, wow. This feels like a big number! I’m proud to announce the 40th release of Fedora Linux, a community-built and community-maintained operating system that belongs to all of us. I’m also happy to note that we’re back on track with an on-time release. Thank you to all Fedora contributors who made that possible, and who have, yet again, made this our best one ever. This is also a personally exciting number for me, because this marks the 20th release for which I’ve served as Fedora Project L

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 2.44 GB
Seeds ↓ 99
Leechers 0
Completed 47 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora 40 Kinoite ostree x86 64 (Multi.)
Oh, wow. This feels like a big number! I’m proud to announce the 40th release of Fedora Linux, a community-built and community-maintained operating system that belongs to all of us. I’m also happy to note that we’re back on track with an on-time release. Thank you to all Fedora contributors who made that possible, and who have, yet again, made this our best one ever. This is also a personally exciting number for me, because this marks the 20th release for which I’ve served as Fedora Project L

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 3.89 GB
Seeds ↓ 89
Leechers 1
Completed 81 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora 40 Server DVD aarch64 (Multi.)
Oh, wow. This feels like a big number! I’m proud to announce the 40th release of Fedora Linux, a community-built and community-maintained operating system that belongs to all of us. I’m also happy to note that we’re back on track with an on-time release. Thank you to all Fedora contributors who made that possible, and who have, yet again, made this our best one ever. This is also a personally exciting number for me, because this marks the 20th release for which I’ve served as Fedora Project L

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 2.36 GB
Seeds ↓ 87
Leechers 1
Completed 23 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora 40 Sway Live x86 64 (Multi.)
Oh, wow. This feels like a big number! I’m proud to announce the 40th release of Fedora Linux, a community-built and community-maintained operating system that belongs to all of us. I’m also happy to note that we’re back on track with an on-time release. Thank you to all Fedora contributors who made that possible, and who have, yet again, made this our best one ever. This is also a personally exciting number for me, because this marks the 20th release for which I’ve served as Fedora Project L

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 1.53 GB
Seeds ↓ 84
Leechers 1
Completed 31 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora 40 Budgie Live x86 64 (Multi.)
Oh, wow. This feels like a big number! I’m proud to announce the 40th release of Fedora Linux, a community-built and community-maintained operating system that belongs to all of us. I’m also happy to note that we’re back on track with an on-time release. Thank you to all Fedora contributors who made that possible, and who have, yet again, made this our best one ever. This is also a personally exciting number for me, because this marks the 20th release for which I’ve served as Fedora Project L

Added On: 24/04/2024
Size: 2.00 GB
Seeds ↓ 83
Leechers 1
Completed 70 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

Fedora KDE Live x86 64 38 (Multi.)
Fedora (formerly Fedora Core) is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and owned by Red Hat. Fedora contains software distributed under a free and open-source license and aims to be on the leading edge of such technologies. Fedora has a reputation for focusing on innovation, integrating new technologies early on and working closely with upstream Linux communities. The Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop Edition is a powerful Fedora-based operating system utilizing the

Added On: 18/04/2023
Size: 2.24 GB
Seeds ↓ 83
Leechers 0
Completed 835 Magnet Link torrent

--- JLP N/A N/A
WT Av.
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