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SparkyLinux 6 1 ARMHF (Multi.)
Sparky ARM Edition is a Sparky version created for a single board mini computer RaspberryPi. It uses the RaspberryPi scripts (customized) and packages. This release is based on Debian 11 stable "Bullseye". Sparky ARMHF is available in two flavours: - CLI - a text based OS only, so you can configure the system in your way - Openbox - graphical version with the Openbox window manager and a few pre-installed applications

Added On: 10/11/2021
Size: 1.35 GB
Seeds 28
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 17 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 4 9 RC MinimalCLI i686
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalCLI is based on the CLI edition, which works in text mode, and is free of the X Server. It's targeted to advanced users and owners of old machines without a DVD drive (CD drive required). This development release is based on Debian stable Stretch and provides new features to be tested.

Added On: 26/10/2018
Size: 477.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 17 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 5 5 dev20180726 MinimalCLI i686
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalCLI is based on the CLI edition, which works in text mode, and is free of the X Server. It's targeted to advanced users and owners of old machines without a DVD drive (CD drive required). This development release is based on Debian testing Buster and provides new features to be tested.

Added On: 26/07/2018
Size: 634.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 17 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 6 1 CLI ARMHF (Multi.)
Sparky ARM Edition is a Sparky version created for a single board mini computer RaspberryPi. It uses the RaspberryPi scripts (customized) and packages. This release is based on Debian 11 stable "Bullseye". Sparky ARMHF is available in two flavours: - CLI - a text based OS only, so you can configure the system in your way - Openbox - graphical version with the Openbox window manager and a few pre-installed applications

Added On: 10/11/2021
Size: 795.26 MB
Seeds 27
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 20 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A N/A

sparkylinux 2024 12 x86 64 kde iso (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution created using the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky is fast, lightweight and fully customizable. Sparky is built around the Openbox window manager and offers versions for different users and different tasks. [b]Main features:[/b] [*]Based on Debian GNU/Linux [*]Stable and semi-rolling editions [*]Lightweight, fast & simple [*]Choose your favorite desktop [*]Main editions – LXDE, LXQt, & Xfce desktops [b]Special editions:[/b] [*]GameOver

Added On: 11/12/2024
Size: 2.27 GB
Seeds 7
Leechers 3
Completed ↑ 20 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

sparkylinux 5 3 x86 64 minimalgui
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian "testing" based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalGUI is based on the Openbox edition with a few applications for system configuring and a web browser preinstalled only.

Added On: 08/03/2018
Size: 855.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 20 Magnet Link torrent

--- DEMONLORD N/A 100%

sparkylinux 2024 12 x86 64 multimedia iso (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution created using the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky is fast, lightweight and fully customizable. Sparky is built around the Openbox window manager and offers versions for different users and different tasks. [b]Main features:[/b] [*]Based on Debian GNU/Linux [*]Stable and semi-rolling editions [*]Lightweight, fast & simple [*]Choose your favorite desktop [*]Main editions – LXDE, LXQt, & Xfce desktops [b]Special editions:[/b] [*]GameOver

Added On: 11/12/2024
Size: 2.97 GB
Seeds 5
Leechers 3
Completed ↑ 20 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 4 dev20171127 Openbox armhf
Sparky ARM Edition is a Sparky version created for a single board mini computer RaspberryPi. It uses the RaspberryPi scripts and packages, and is based on Debian's stable branch. Sparky ARMHF is available as an “img” image in two flavours: - “Lite” - a text based OS only, so you can configure the system in your way - graphical version with Openbox window manager and a few pre-installed applications

Added On: 28/11/2017
Size: 707.58 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 20 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 4 9 RC MinimalGUI i686
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalGUI is based on the Openbox edition with a few applications for system configuring and a web browser preinstalled only. This development release is based on Debian stable Stretch and provides new features to be tested.

Added On: 26/10/2018
Size: 827.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 21 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 5 6 1 MinimalCLI i686 pae
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalCLI is based on the CLI edition, which works in text mode, and is free of the X Server. This release is based on testing line of Debian "Buster" and provides small impovenments and small bug fixing.

Added On: 29/12/2018
Size: 512.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 22 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 6 1 MinimalCLI i686 (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. CLI Edition provides core, text based system and a few tools. This release is based on Debian stable "Bullseye".

Added On: 10/11/2021
Size: 651.00 MB
Seeds 30
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 23 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 5 7~dev20190203 MinimalGUI i686
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalGUI is based on the Openbox edition with a few applications for system configuring and a web browser preinstalled only. This release is based on Debian testing "Buster" and provides small impovenments and bugs fixing to be tested.

Added On: 03/02/2019
Size: 927.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 23 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 5 7~dev20190203 MinimalCLI i686
Sparky MinimalCLI is based on the CLI edition, which works in text mode, and is free of the X server. It's targeted to more advanced users and owners of old machines without a DVD drive (CD drive required). This development release is based on Debian testing Buster and provides new features to be tested.

Added On: 03/02/2019
Size: 528.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 23 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

sparkylinux 2024 12 x86 64 xfce iso (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution created using the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky is fast, lightweight and fully customizable. Sparky is built around the Openbox window manager and offers versions for different users and different tasks. [b]Main features:[/b] [*]Based on Debian GNU/Linux [*]Stable and semi-rolling editions [*]Lightweight, fast & simple [*]Choose your favorite desktop [*]Main editions – LXDE, LXQt, & Xfce desktops [b]Special editions:[/b] [*]GameOver

Added On: 11/12/2024
Size: 1.79 GB
Seeds 6
Leechers 2
Completed ↑ 24 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 5 5 Rescue i686
SparkyLinux "Rescue" edition is a special version of Sparky which works as a live DVD/USB only (no hard drive installation). The Live system contains a large set of tools for scanning and fixing files, partitions and operating systems installed on hard drives.

Added On: 25/09/2018
Size: 1.11 GB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 24 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%
WT Av.
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