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SparkyLinux 5 13 LXQt i686 (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. This release features LXQt desktop and Openbox window manager as default and is based on Debian stable "Buster".

Added On: 04/11/2020
Size: 1.29 GB
Seeds 6
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 7 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 5 12 MinimalGUI i686 (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian testing based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. MinimalGUI Edition provides the core system, X Server, Openbox window manager, and a few tools. This release is based on stable line of Debian 10 "Buster".

Added On: 07/07/2020
Size: 922.00 MB
Seeds 4
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 8 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 4 9 RC MinimalCLI x86 64
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalCLI is based on the CLI edition, which works in text mode, and is free of the X Server. It's targeted to advanced users and owners of old machines without a DVD drive (CD drive required). This development release is based on Debian stable Stretch and provides new features to be tested.

Added On: 26/10/2018
Size: 462.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 15 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 5 7 MinimalCLI i686
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian testing based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. CLI Edition provides core, text based system and a few tools.

Added On: 05/03/2019
Size: 532.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 16 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

sparkylinux 5 3 i686 minimalgui
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian "testing" based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalGUI is based on the Openbox edition with a few applications for system configuring and a web browser preinstalled only.

Added On: 08/03/2018
Size: 849.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 17 Magnet Link torrent

--- DEMONLORD N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 6 1 ARMHF (Multi.)
Sparky ARM Edition is a Sparky version created for a single board mini computer RaspberryPi. It uses the RaspberryPi scripts (customized) and packages. This release is based on Debian 11 stable "Bullseye". Sparky ARMHF is available in two flavours: - CLI - a text based OS only, so you can configure the system in your way - Openbox - graphical version with the Openbox window manager and a few pre-installed applications

Added On: 10/11/2021
Size: 1.35 GB
Seeds 28
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 17 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 4 9 RC MinimalCLI i686
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalCLI is based on the CLI edition, which works in text mode, and is free of the X Server. It's targeted to advanced users and owners of old machines without a DVD drive (CD drive required). This development release is based on Debian stable Stretch and provides new features to be tested.

Added On: 26/10/2018
Size: 477.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 17 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 5 5 dev20180726 MinimalCLI i686
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalCLI is based on the CLI edition, which works in text mode, and is free of the X Server. It's targeted to advanced users and owners of old machines without a DVD drive (CD drive required). This development release is based on Debian testing Buster and provides new features to be tested.

Added On: 26/07/2018
Size: 634.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 17 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 4 dev20171127 Openbox armhf
Sparky ARM Edition is a Sparky version created for a single board mini computer RaspberryPi. It uses the RaspberryPi scripts and packages, and is based on Debian's stable branch. Sparky ARMHF is available as an “img” image in two flavours: - “Lite” - a text based OS only, so you can configure the system in your way - graphical version with Openbox window manager and a few pre-installed applications

Added On: 28/11/2017
Size: 707.58 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 20 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 6 1 CLI ARMHF (Multi.)
Sparky ARM Edition is a Sparky version created for a single board mini computer RaspberryPi. It uses the RaspberryPi scripts (customized) and packages. This release is based on Debian 11 stable "Bullseye". Sparky ARMHF is available in two flavours: - CLI - a text based OS only, so you can configure the system in your way - Openbox - graphical version with the Openbox window manager and a few pre-installed applications

Added On: 10/11/2021
Size: 795.26 MB
Seeds 27
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 20 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A N/A

sparkylinux 5 3 x86 64 minimalgui
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian "testing" based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalGUI is based on the Openbox edition with a few applications for system configuring and a web browser preinstalled only.

Added On: 08/03/2018
Size: 855.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 20 Magnet Link torrent

--- DEMONLORD N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 7 2 armhf ZIP (Multi.)
SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky Linux 7.2 Changes: – all packages updated from Debian and Sparky stable repos as of December 5, 2023 – Linux kernel PC: 6.1.55 (6.6.4-sparky & 5.15.141-LTS-sparky in sparky repos) – Linux kernel ARM: 6.1.58 – LibreOffice 7.4.7 – Calamares 3.2.61 – KDE Plasma 5.27.5 – LXQt 1.2.0 – MATE 1.26 – Xfce 4.18 – Openbox 3.6.1 – Firefox 115.5.0esr (120.0.1-sparky in sparky repos) – Thunderbird 115

Added On: 12/12/2023
Size: 1.70 GB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 21 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 7 4 x86 64 LXQt ISO (Multi.)
Sparky is a fast, lightweight and fully customizable operating system which offers several versions for different use cases, such as: [*]a fully featured standard desktop version with a lightweight desktop environment. It works out of the box on almost any hardware and delivers a curated selection of software for home users. [*]the frugal MinimalGUI version with the Openbox window manager. It contains only the bare necessities and is intended for users who want full flexibility when creating

Added On: 17/06/2024
Size: 1.86 GB
Seeds 2
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 21 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

SparkyLinux 4 9 RC MinimalGUI i686
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalGUI is based on the Openbox edition with a few applications for system configuring and a web browser preinstalled only. This development release is based on Debian stable Stretch and provides new features to be tested.

Added On: 26/10/2018
Size: 827.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 21 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%

SparkyLinux 5 6 1 MinimalCLI i686 pae
SparkyLinux is a lightweight & fast Debian based Live Linux distribution featuring set of customized desktops. Sparky MinimalCLI is based on the CLI edition, which works in text mode, and is free of the X Server. This release is based on testing line of Debian "Buster" and provides small impovenments and small bug fixing.

Added On: 29/12/2018
Size: 512.00 MB
Seeds 1
Leechers 0
Completed ↑ 22 Magnet Link torrent

--- N/A 100%
WT Av.
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