Kali NetHunter Pro is the official Kali Linux build for mobile devices such as the Pine64 PinePhone and PinePhone Pro.
Kali NetHunter is available for un-rooted devices (NetHunter Rootless), for rooted devices that have a custom recovery (NetHunter Lite), and for rooted devices with custom recovery for which a NetHunter specific kernel is available (NetHunter).
The core of Kali NetHunter, which is included in all three editions, comprises of:
Kali Linux container that includes all the tools and applications that Kali Linux provides
Kali NetHunter App Store with dozens of purpose-built security apps
Android client to access the Kali NetHunter App Store
Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience (KeX) to run full Kali Linux desktop sessions with support for screen mirroring via HDMI or wireless screen casting
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