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Rocky 9.4 s390x DVD   
Torrent Rocky 9.4 s390x DVD

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Info Hash c2b8fe0ed99c0f6a6734508d5046ae3ab0b889d7
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Description Rocky Linux is an open-source enterprise operating system designed to be 100% bug-for-bug compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux®. It is under intensive development by the community.

Production Ready
Rocky Linux is enterprise-ready, providing solid stability with regular updates and a 10-year support lifecycle, all at no cost.

Community Supported
The community, sponsors, and partners have invested with long-term commitments to ensure the project stays with the community.

Easy Migration
Migrate from other Enterprise Linux distributions without sweating it. We provide an easy-to-use migration script, free of charge.

Visit the Rocky Linux website here:

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AddDate 17/05/2024
Uploader TheLinuxMan
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Last Update 26/07/2024 00:55:08 (26/07/2024 00:55:08)

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