1) { function get_settings($key) { global $TABLE_PREFIX; $curr_conf_query = do_sqlquery("SELECT `value` FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}settings` WHERE `key` = '".$key."'", true); $curr_conf = mysql_fetch_assoc($curr_conf_query); return $curr_conf["value"]; } $irc_server = get_settings("irc_server"); $irc_port = get_settings("irc_port"); $irc_channel = get_settings("irc_channel"); $nick = str_replace(" ", "_", $CURUSER['username']); $style = $CURUSER["style"]; ?>
" code=IRCApplet.class archive="irc.jar,pixx.jar" width="100%" height="480"> " name="CABINETS" value="irc.cab,securedirc-unsigned.cab,pixx.cab"> '; } elseif ($style=="2") { echo' '; } elseif ($style=="3") { echo' '; } elseif ($style=="4") { echo' '; } elseif ($style=="5") { echo' '; } elseif ($style=="6") { echo' '; } ?>
If you cannot enter the chatroom then your web browser's Java Plugin may need to be upgraded.
Please go to Sun's Java plugin site
or else use a client like mIRC instead.
".$language["ERR_MUST_BE_LOGGED_SHOUT"].""); $module_out=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ?> Index->Modules->Irc
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