We would like to announce the general availability of CentOS Linux 7 (1503) for 64 bit x86 compatible machines.
This is the second major release for CentOS-7 and is tagged as 1503. This build is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1
As always, read through the Release Notes at : http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS7 - these notes contain important information about the release and details about some of the content inside the release from the CentOS QA team. These notes are updated constantly to include issues and incorporate feedback from the users.
---------- Updates, Sources, and DebugInfos
This merges in all base, updates, and CR (continuous release) components released in the month of March 2015. If you have been using the CR repos on your previous CentOS Linux 7 install, you already have all the components used to compose this new release.
As with all CentOS Linux 7 components, this release was built from sources hosted at git.centos.org. In addition, SRPMs that are a byproduct of the build (and also considered critical in the code and buildsys process) are being published to match every binary RPM we release. Sources will be available from vault.centos.org in their own dedicated directories to match the corresponding binary RPMs. Since there is far less traffic to the CentOS source RPMs compared with the binary RPMs, we are not putting this content on the main mirror network. If users wish to mirror this content they can do so using the reposync command available in the yum-utils package. All CentOS source RPMs are signed with the same key used to sign their binary counterparts. Developers and end users looking at inspecting and contributing patches to the CentOS Linux distro will find the code hosted at git.centos.org far simpler to work against. Details on how to best consume those are documented along with a quick start at : http://wiki.centos.org/Sources
Debuginfo packages are also being signed and pushed. Yum configs shipped in the new release file will have all the context required for debuginfo to be available on every CentOS Linux install.
This release supersedes all previously released content for CentOS Linux 7, and therefore we highly encourage all users to upgrade their machines. Information on different upgrade strategies and how to handle stale content is included in the Release Notes.
For the CentOS-7 build and release process we adopted a very open process. The output of the entire buildsystem is made available, as it is built, at http://buildlogs.centos.org/ - we hope to continue with that process for the life of CentOS Linux 7, and hope to attempt bringing CentOS-5 and CentOS-6 builds into the same system.