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Debian Live 12.0.0 LXDE amd64 ISO   
Torrent Debian Live 12.0.0 LXDE amd64 ISO

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Description Debian is Free Software.

Debian is made of free and open source software and will always be 100% free. Free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. This is our main promise to our users. It's also free of cost.

Debian is stable and secure.

Debian is a Linux-based operating system for a wide range of devices including laptops, desktops and servers. We provide a reasonable default configuration for every package as well as regular security updates during the packages' lifetimes.

Debian has extensive Hardware Support.

Most hardware is supported by the Linux kernel which means that Debian will support it as well. Proprietary drivers for hardware are available if necessary.

Debian offers a flexible Installer.

Our Live CD is for everyone who wants to give Debian a try before installing it. It also includes the Calamares installer which makes it easy to install Debian from the live system. More experienced users can use the Debian installer with more options for fine-tuning, including the possibility to use an automated network installation tool.

Debian provides smooth Upgrades.

It's easy to keep our operating system up-to-date, whether you want to upgrade to a completely new release or just update a single package.

Debian is the Base for many other Distributions.

Many popular Linux distributions, like Ubuntu, Knoppix, PureOS or Tails, are based on Debian. We provide all the tools so that everyone can extend the software packages from the Debian archive with their own packages if needed.

The Debian Project is a Community.

Everyone can be a part of our community; you don't have to be a developer or sysadmin. Debian has a democratic governance structure. Since all members of the Debian project have equal rights, Debian cannot be controlled by a single company. Our developers are from more than 60 different countries, and Debian itself is translated into more than 80 languages.

Visit the Debian website here:

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AddDate 11/06/2023
Uploader TheLinuxMan
Speed 0 KB/sec
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