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Torrent elementaryos-5.1-stable.20191202.iso

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Info Hash 54657bb2793a0becda124a4a3b47ec0b868ad8db
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Description elementary OS is an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution. Some of its more interesting features include a custom desktop environment called Pantheon and a custom software centre. The project's latest release is elementary OS 5.1 "Hera", which introduces many package updates, a refreshed login screen, and an onboarding application to guide new users through available features. "The newly redesigned login and lockscreen greeter looks sharper, works better, and fixes many reported issues with the previous greeter including focus issues, HiDPI issues, and better localization. The new design in Hera was in response to user feedback from Juno, and enables some nice new features. It now always shows usernames for all users, shows users' backgrounds as cards so you can more easily find users who maybe haven't set differentiating avatars, notifies when Caps or Num Lock are on, and makes 'Log In as Guest' more distinct when it's enabled. The new Onboarding app that ships with Hera introduces key features to users and handles common first-run tasks like managing privacy settings."

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AddDate 04/12/2019
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