Ufficio Zero Linux is a Linux distro based on Xubuntu 18.04 LTS (for alpha and beta versions) and Xubuntu 20.04 LTS. It was an italian old remix that was abandoned many years ago, but SIITE SRLS wants to create new remixes.
This distro has many packages for professional use. Features telegram desktop xfce4 teamviewer remmina rdp librecad libreoffice libreoffice impress librecad pdf mix tool atril meld gimp inkscape blender filezilla firefox chromium thunderbird vlc parole deluge dropbox seafile client pidgin true conf client skype Our new domain is ufficiozero.org
Here is Ufficio Zero Linux ver 1.1 32bit stable release.
ISO created with bodhibuilder tool, in testing for Xubuntu 18.04 LTS. if the system wants credential to login or for other operations, please use: ufficiozero for username and password.
We've modified the splash screen for installed environment inserting our logo with different resolution and zoom client.
If you have any question please write us a mail: team[at]ufficiozero.org or visit our wiki at this url: https://www.ufficiozero.org/wiki