CAELinux is an installable live (USB) Linux distribution dedicated to open source engineering with a focus on Computer Aided Engineering and Scientific Computing.
Based on Ubuntu, it features a ready to use workstation environment for open source product development, makers and scientist with many CAD/CAM/CAE applications for mechanical design, stress analysis, heat transfer, flow simulation and CNC manufacturing / 3D printing as well as electronic design tools and a complete development environment for scientific computing & mathematical modeling.
A special focus of CAELinux is to provide simplified interfaces to facilitate the use of specialized open source software while providing high performance parallel multiphysics solvers ready to use for more advanced users.
Try CAELinux or carry it with you on a USB stick in a live environment or install it to turn your PC into a full fledged Ubuntu based CAE workstation. It's all up to you what you can do with it!
Features CAD/CAM & 3D printing: Freecad, OpenSCAD, LibreCad, Pycam, Camotics, dxf2gcode & Cura FEA, CFD & multiphysic simulation: Code-Aster, Code-Saturne, OpenFOAM, Elmer FEM, Calculix Meshing, pre-post, & visualization: Salome-Meca/CFD, Paraview, Helyx-OS, Elmer GUI, CL Launcher/CAE & CGX, GMSH, VoxelMesher Electronic design and prototyping: KiCad, Arduino, Flatcam, dxf2gcode / cadpy for PCB isolation milling. Scientific & development tools: Python3 / Scipy with Spyder3, GNU Octave, R, wxMaxima, Qt Creator, gcc, gfortran, java, g++, perl, tcl/tk Based on Xubuntu 18.04 LTS 64bit for maximum compatibility Available as an installable ISO image for USB flash drive; ready to use on laptop, workstations or even clusters