Esta es una versi?n alpha de Huayra 2.0 para realizar pruebas y no debe ser instalada en un entorno de producci?n. Sus repositorios apuntan a la rama inestable, a?n en desarrollo.
La ponemos a disposici?n de los usuarios para que realicen pruebas y nos hagan llegar sus comentarios, recomendaciones y cr?ticas. De este modo, podremos recopilar los diferentes aportes de la Comunidad de Huayra para cuando la misma llegue a la versi?n estable.
Based on Debian GNU / Linux , Huayra is safer, faster and more developed in Argentina taking into account the needs of many students and teachers and maintaining our national identity. Huayra is named after the Quechua word that means wind: Wind of change, winds of freedom, winds of technological sovereignty. Besides being an operating system free , Huayra has been designed and developed for use by the educational community. Through it is accessible to a wide range of educational programs and applications.