mage of the Debian 9 Xfce operating system. The assembly is "thick", i.e. means a selection of programs "for all occasions." Unique modified programs and repackages. A huge set of utilities and tools for configuring the system. Excellent Russian localization. Read more below.
Logon passwords in live: login: user password: live
Build Features: • 1) The assembly is "thick", i.e. means a selection of programs "for all occasions" • 2) Unique modified programs and repackages • 3) A huge set of utilities and tools for configuring the system • 4) Excellent Russian localization • 5) Convenient hotkeys • 6) Functional context menu of the file manager • 7) A large set of installed drivers • Scripts and interesting solutions • 9) Compatibility with "Windows": - office - input to the domain - shared - work with MS Exchange - launch Windows applications - hit RDP control
• 10) Good optimization - the assembly "sparingly" uses PC resources • 11) Creating a bootable USB “anything” and starting the system on “anything” • 12) Clear installer • 13) Support for "amd64 architecture", UEFI, gpt and other matyuki • 14) The stability and security inherent in Debian • 15) Fun community
Expanded build description v.5 from 2019.06.25: • 0) Software update at the time of release • 1) Updated wine 4.0.1 + wine-mono • 2) Updated office wps + ru locale + dict + templates • 3) The problem with the "non-working" critical layout under the vine for ru_UA (alternativs locale) has been resolved • 4) Installed smplayer • 5) Additional VPN protocols are installed • 6) In the thunar menu, an item was added - "delete past the basket"
• 7) Removed due to uselessness, inappropriateness, the fight against necrophilia, etc. following programs and modules: - vlc - acestream - putty - virtualbox guest tools - openshot - paromTV - masterpdfeditor - pidgin
• Removed broken dependencies not allowing to install apache2 • 9) Updated teamviewer 14 • 10) A virtual printer is installed in PDF (cups-pdf)
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