Pop!_OS 20.04 Beta Testing Thank you for participating in Pop!_OS 20.04 beta release testing. This release brings major new features including Pop!_Shell tiling and the Flathub software repository. There are many corner cases with both of these technologies that your testing will help reveal.
This video provides an introduction to the tiling feature: https://youtu.be/-fltwBKsMY0
This workspaces video describes new keyboard shortcuts: https://youtu.be/v9oVZwJrjOc
THIS IS A BETA. Bugs are expected and re-installs likely.
If you experience trouble upgrading to the 20.04 beta with the pop-upgrade utility, it may be fixed by dropping to a TTY terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + F3 ) and running the following commands:
sudo apt -f install sudo apt full-upgrade and then rebooting your machine.
Testing and Reporting Issues We're seeking upgrade testing as well as fresh install testing. You can upgrade to 20.04 from Pop!_OS 18.04 and 19.10. If you're on 19.04 you must first upgrade to 19.10. It is recommended that you backup your data, download the Pop!_OS 20.04 Beta ISO and write it to a USB drive first.