To Install Pop! OS Disable Secure Boot in BIOS/UEFI.
Pop!_OS is an operating system for STEM and creative professionals who use their computer as a tool to discover and create. Unleash your potential on secure, reliable open source software. Based on your exceptional curiosity, we sense you have a lot of it.
About COSMIC As a whole, COSMIC is a comprehensive operating system GUI (graphical user interface) environment that features advanced functionality and a responsive design. Its modular architecture is specifically designed to facilitate the creation of unique, branded user experiences with ease.
Make it your own We encourage Linux distributions to package COSMIC with their brand colors and preferred configurations for panels, docks, and applets. Separate packages for "upstream" branding and settings are unnecessary, as the default configuration is simply Pop!_OS brand colors and settings.
The COSMIC Applets system is crafted to enable experimentation with unique features and user experiences. When integrated with panels, applets become a powerful tool for creating distinct and personalized user experiences.
COSMIC Settings employs a modular design, allowing for the addition and removal of pages as needed. For example, distributions can modify or remove the OS Update and Recovery page to align with their packaging systems and options.
Workspaces Keep relevant content together and irrelevant content out of sight. When the clutter overwhelms you, just toss it onto another desktop. Problem solved.
Keyboard Navigation Arm yourself with a dark-lord level of power at your fingertips. Use keyboard shortcuts to:
Move/resize windows
Search for anything
Launch applications
Stacking Stack application windows atop one another like tabs in a web browser. Just remember to switch off of Steam when the boss walks in.
Devlopment toolkits work flawlessly Develop software out of the box with a vast array of libraries and tools at your disposal. Pop!_OS uses APT and Flatpak package management, meaning it’s easy to install, remove, and update all software on the OS.
Deep Learning Code life into the machinery of the future. Perfect your model for predicting a hurricane’s path, and use Tensorman to keep organized along the way.
Engineering Secure data inside an impenetrable fortress. Break ground, then leave it, on a journey for interstellar travel. Your possibilities—and potential—are infinite.
VS Code
Android Studio
Arduino IDE
Media Production Design a character. Animate it. Give it a voice, then tell its story. Stream your technique to hundreds of young artists. No subscription required.
DaVinci Resolve
OBS Studio
Bioinformatics Discover new treatments for bacterial diseases. Explore the vast ecosystem of the gut. Use a bevy of programs to learn more about the human genome than ever before.
Entertainment alone is not enough, we must find a game that is both entertaining and intellectual so that we can develop ourselves every day. is a game that fully meets that need.