All activity in a virtual machine, all internet traffic through the Tor® network Whonix is the best way to use Tor® and provides the strongest protection of your IP address.
Impossible to leak IP address Connections are forced through Tor®. DNS leaks are impossible, and even malware with root privileges cannot discover the user's real IP address. Leak tested through corridor (Tor® traffic whitelisting gateway) and other leak tests.
Based on Kicksecure ™ Whonix ™ is based on Kicksecure ™ which is a security-hardened Linux distribution.
Based on Tor® Whonix utilizes Tor®, which provides an open and distributed relay network to defend against network surveillance. Unlike Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Tor provides anonymity by design and removes trust from the equation.
Keystroke Anonymization Keystrokes can be used to track users. To prevent this, Whonix comes with kloak installed by default.
Time Attack Defenses Time attacks are defeated by Boot Clock Randomization and secure network time synchronization through sdwdate (Secure Distributed Web Date).
TCP ISN CPU Information Leak Protection Prevent de-anonymization of Tor onion services via utilization of the Tirdad kernel module for random ISN generation.
Stream Isolation Distinct applications are routed through different paths in the Tor® network.
Android Support Run Android applications using Anbox (outdated) or Whonix-Custom-Workstation using Android x86.
Fully auditable Whonix is independently verifiable by security experts and software developers around the world; you don’t have to trust developer claims. This improves security and privacy for everyone.
Complete respect for privacy Whonix respects data privacy principles. We don’t make advertising deals or collect sensitive personal data. We’re funded directly by user contributions and that’s how it should be.
Based on Debian In oversimplified terms, Whonix is just a collection of configuration files and scripts. Whonix is not a stripped down version of Debian; anything possible in "vanilla" Debian GNU/Linux can be replicated in Whonix. About Whonix
Open Source All the Whonix source code is licensed under OSI Approved Licenses. We respect user rights to review, scrutinize, modify, and redistribute Whonix. This improves security and privacy for everyone.
Research and Implementation Project Whonix makes modest claims and is wary of overconfidence. Whonix is an actively maintained research project making constant improvements; no shortcomings are ever hidden from users.