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Calculate Linux

Calculate Linux XFCE Scientific Edition 20240520 x86 64 ISO (Multi.)
Calculate is a fast and functional user-friendly Linux distribution, based on Gentoo and still backward compatible with it. It maintains an optimal balance between state-of-the-art and stability, providing the latest versions of applications and stable versions of libraries. As Calculate Linux is a rolling-release distribution, you install the system once and update it throughout the life of your hardware. [b]Start and work[/b] Calculate Linux provides all the software you need for your dail

Added On: 27/05/2024
Size: 3.41 GB
Seeds 6
Leechers 0
Completed 26 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A
Calculate Linux

Calculate Linux Scratch Edition 20240520 x86 64 ISO (Multi.)
Calculate is a fast and functional user-friendly Linux distribution, based on Gentoo and still backward compatible with it. It maintains an optimal balance between state-of-the-art and stability, providing the latest versions of applications and stable versions of libraries. As Calculate Linux is a rolling-release distribution, you install the system once and update it throughout the life of your hardware. [b]Start and work[/b] Calculate Linux provides all the software you need for your dail

Added On: 27/05/2024
Size: 1.76 GB
Seeds 5
Leechers 0
Completed 29 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 aarch64 Boot ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 30/05/2024
Size: 937.46 MB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 17 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A
ALT Linux

AlmaLinux 8 10 aarch64 DVD ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 30/05/2024
Size: 10.28 GB
Seeds 0
Leechers 4
Completed --- Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 aarch64 Minimal ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 30/05/2024
Size: 1.78 GB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 18 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 ppc64le Boot ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 30/05/2024
Size: 979.28 MB
Seeds 5
Leechers 0
Completed 17 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 ppc64le DVD ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 30/05/2024
Size: 11.31 GB
Seeds 0
Leechers 7
Completed --- Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 ppc64le Minimal ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 30/05/2024
Size: 1.86 GB
Seeds 5
Leechers 0
Completed 18 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 x86 64 (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 31/05/2024
Size: 15.74 GB
Seeds 209
Leechers 9
Completed 282 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 s390x (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 31/05/2024
Size: 12.26 GB
Seeds 61
Leechers 0
Completed 34 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 s390x Boot ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 31/05/2024
Size: 865.49 MB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 18 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 s390x DVD ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 31/05/2024
Size: 9.72 GB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 15 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 s390x Minimal ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 31/05/2024
Size: 1.69 GB
Seeds 3
Leechers 0
Completed 16 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 x86 64 Boot ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 31/05/2024
Size: 977.00 MB
Seeds 5
Leechers 0
Completed 23 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A

AlmaLinux 8 10 x86 64 DVD ISO (Multi.)
[b]Free Linux OS for the community, by the community[/b] An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®. AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHE

Added On: 31/05/2024
Size: 12.79 GB
Seeds 9
Leechers 0
Completed 22 Magnet Link torrent

--- TheLinuxMan N/A N/A
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