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[New Torrent] tooppy_1-0_precise-5.4.3.iso

Started by argolance, June 06, 2013, 06:31:03 AM

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ToOpPy LINUX 1.0 is a multilingual (Danish, German, Greek, English (native), Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian) GNU-Linux distribution running from live CD (system entirely loaded in RAM) or installable on any medium, suitable for older computers as well as newer.

It is made for light, transportable, fast, reliable/customizable and friendly systems lovers.

Based on Puppy "Precise" by Barry Kauler, it has all the necessary applications for everyday use. More applications, (such as GIMP, LibreOffice etc ...) can be installed directly from the MENU, from the ToOpPy Site or from the Ubuntu repositories using the Package Manager.

The Deskop manager 2PDE (2P Desktop Environment), provides a full suite of applications to customize/optimize workspace (over 20 complete themes available, shadow effects and transparency, management/creation MENU entries, desktop widgets, etc.).

=> ToPpPy LINUX Web Site
=> 2PDE Desktop Environment
=> Murga Linux ToPpPy thread (Download/Questions/Answers)