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[New Torrent] crunchbang-11-20120806-amd64.iso

Started by friTTe, August 15, 2012, 12:38:52 AM

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What's changed:
For the first time, the CrunchBang builds exceed the 700MiB CD limit. I feel that this is unfortunate, but reaching and exceeding the limit was possibly inevitable. If this something that you would like to comment on, please refer to the existing forum thread: Is it time to drop the 700MiB CD Limit?
As suggested, ARandR has replaced grandr as the default tool to help with configuring multi-screen set-ups. ARandR provides a nice feature whereby you can save/export complex xrandr commands to file, which can then be referenced via Openbox's autostart. Also, the default SLiM theme has been updated to also accommodate dual screen set-ups.
Talking of SLiM, a new GUI app has been developed to help configure the login manager. SLiMconf provides basic options for users to easily configure automatic login accounts, as well as other options, such as changing themes etc.
Prettier (highly subjective) fonts. Some changes have been made to try and provide similar font rendering to that of Ubuntu.
An additional 486 image has been made available for use on PCs with a single processor not supporting PAE. Interestingly, or not, a good few #! users seem to still require this and so I am happy to be able to provide it, again.
News from the Bike Shed Painting Committee: following an interesting forum debate, Iceweasel makes a return as the default browser, replacing Chromium.
Sadly, I have replaced (temporarily, hopefully) VLC with GNOME MPlayer. VLC caused issues with Compton, the default compositing manager, and so I decided to replace it with a comparable media player. I am sure that the issues are Compton's, not VLC's, but I am happy to make the switch while I wait for an upstream fix. Providing a stable/solid compositing manager remains at no.1 on my #! hit list.
Johnraff's excellent \"Places\" and \"Recent Files\" Openbox pipemenus make a return. John does a fantastic job at maintaining these pipemenus and I am happy to see them included by default. Thank you, John.
htop included by default, as requested.
I have made some modifications to the Debian Installer in an attempt to fix a issue whereby the installer would pause indefinitely on systems containing more than 1 network adapter. Due to limited resources, I have only been able to do limited testing of this, so if you were previously affected by this, I would love to hear from you.
As requested, ClipIt has replaced Parcellite as the default clipboard manager.
PNMixer has replaced volumeicon as the default system tray sound mixer.
Faenza icons.
Numerous other miscellaneous fixes and tweaks.
3 months worth of package updates via the Debian repositories. As always, I and the #! community owe a huge thank you to everyone involved in the Debian project, without which #! would not exist. THANK YOU
If im not here just drop me an email and i will get back :)