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[New Torrent] CloverOS-x86_64-20190325.iso

Started by cloveros, March 25, 2019, 10:40:17 AM

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CloverOS GNU/Linux is a desktop ISO and packages built from Gentoo Linux stage3 and Portage. The desktop is minimal, out of the box and boots with Xorg, fvwm, dhcpcd, wpa_supplicant, openrc, udev and agetty. The 4400 binary packages on the binhost are optimized - built with CFLAGS="-Ofast -mssse3 -mfpmath=both -pipe -funroll-loops -flto=8 -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution" when possible. All of the system configuration is in /etc/portage/make.conf and aims to be as close to default Gentoo Linux as possible.

Home: https://cloveros.ga
Forum: https://forums.cloveros.ga
Mirrors: https://useast.cloveros.ga https://uswest.cloveros.ga https://ca.cloveros.ga https://fr.cloveros.ga https://nl.cloveros.ga https://uk.cloveros.ga https://au.cloveros.ga https://sg.cloveros.ga https://jp.cloveros.ga


When uploading the torrent, I couldn't enter "/etc/portage/make.conf" into the description at first. After upload, it would redirect me back to the front page. I changed it to "\/etc\/portage\/make.conf" and it went through. This might be a really bad sanitization bug.