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[New Torrent] systemrescuecd-x86-2.7.1

Started by XT, May 29, 2012, 11:13:50 AM

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2.7.1) 2012-05-26:
Updated standard kernels to Long-Term-Supported linux-3.2.18 (rescuecd + rescue64)
Updated alternative kernels to latest stable: linux-3.3.7 (altker32 + altker64)
Updated syslinux and related files to 4.05 (fixes sysresccd-usbstick regression)
Updated XFCE graphical environment to 4.10 and Midori web-browser to 0.4.6
Updated e2fsprogs to 1.42.3

Check MD5SUM @ http://www.sysresccd.org/Download