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[New Torrent] Tails 0.11

Started by Fr0zen, May 09, 2012, 02:15:32 AM

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Tails 0.11, a new version of the Debian-based live DVD designed for anonymous Internet surfing, has been released: \"Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), version 0.11, is out. All users must upgrade as soon as possible. Notable user-visible changes include: Tails Greeter, the login screen which obsoletes the language selection boot menu, Tails Greeter also adds some new options - activating persistence and setting a sudo password; Tails USB installer, this graphical user interface mostly obsoletes our old instructions of 'cat-ing' the ISO directly onto a block device; persistence can optionally be used when running Tails from a USB drive, application configurations and arbitrary directories can be made persistent; Iceweasel 10.0.4esr with search plugins, replaced Debian-provided DuckDuckGo search plugin with the \"HTML SSL\" one....