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[New Torrent] ElementaryOS-0.3.2-stable-amd64.20151209

Started by PastorDi, December 10, 2015, 04:31:56 PM

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Just in time for the holidays, it's a new release of elementary OS! Freya 0.3.2 is a minor release, mostly focused around solving some issues folks have had with UEFI & SecureBoot, but we've also managed to sneak in some internationalization updates and a couple new features.
With the help of incredibly useful tips, advice, and code snippets from Antoni Norman (aka Pinguy), Cody has almost completely rewritten our .iso build system since 0.3.1. We've tested these new builds on 64-bit (U)EFI, and BIOS machines, with and without internet, with SecureBoot and legacy boot, and everything in between. No more infamous GRUB boot error!
Of course, we couldn't resist the opportunity to sneak in a few refinements and new features. The applications menu now lists settings separately from apps in search results and will also return results for actions from apps' quicklists, like "Compose Message" from Geary and "New Document" from Scratch. Also, we've decided to tuck away some utilities like the archive manager and font viewer; they're still available from Files and search, but we don't clutter up your applications menu with them any more. We've also fixed some minor visual issues with dark apps and refined shadows on windows, the panel, and a number of other places.