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[New Torrent] pclinuxos-kde-fullmonty-2011.09

Started by pinoc, September 15, 2011, 01:22:41 PM

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Release Date: 09-15-2011
Size: 3.9 GB
Md5Sum: b09a3d7427e37f5e2bfedd7ccb3e2973
Produced by: Pinoc

KDE FullMonty = regular PCLinuxOS KDE installation + special desktop layout + many applications & drivers preinstalled.
FM applies a new concept: activity-focused virtual desktop layout, which is designed to address typical user-needs/tasks, make their life easy, and working on the computer straightforward and fun. So, what does the typical user do with a computer?
1) check email/internet/chat/IM? Goto desktop 1 and you find all you need directly on the desktop.
2) office work to do? Goto desktop 2 where you will find LibreOffice, kile, scribus, etc...
3) want to play a quick game? Goto desktop 3 and relax with a quick game
4) listen to or convert music, watch/make DVDs, etc? Goto desktop 4 for any multimedia task
5) working with images/photos? Goto desktop 5 to scan, post-process, draw, etc.
6) system info/administration/configuration? All on desktop 6.
Just click the desktop for your activity and start working in a dedicated environment....

Kernel kernel for maximum desktop performance.
Full KDE 4.6.5 Desktop.
Nvidia and ATI fglrx driver support.
Multimedia playback support for many popular formats.
Wireless support for many network devices.
Printer support for many local and networked printer devices.
Addlocale allows you to convert PCLinuxOS into over 60 languages.
LibreOffice Manager can install LibreOffice supporting over 100 languages.
MyLiveCD allows you  to take a snapshot of  your installation and burn it to a LiveCD/DVD.
PCLinuxOS-liveusb – allows you to install PCLinuxOS on a USB key disk