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[New Torrent] VirtualBSD 8.1 FreeBSD for VMware.

Started by kBandeira, August 25, 2011, 11:12:10 PM

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Yes, it's been a long time coming but VirtualBSD 8.1 is here!
VirtualBSD is a desktop ready FreeBSD 8.1 RELEASE, in the form of a VMware appliance, based on the Xfce 4.6 Desktop Environment. Many of the most common and useful applications are ready to run, and the desktop has been styled to resemble a certain OS from Cupertino.

Intended Audience

VirtualBSD is clearly aimed at people with VMware Player (or better) who:

1) Have never tried FreeBSD so far;

2) Wanted to, but didn't have the right hardware;

3) Used FreeBSD in the past, but have since moved to a different OS and are struck by nostalgia from time to time;

Installed Applications

The full list of the installed applications would be way too long (and boring) but chances are you will find VirtualBSD very functional right out of the box. Still, here's some of the most notable inclusions:

Firefox 3.6.13 (and plugins)

Thunderbird 3.17

Pidgin 2.7.7

Xchat 2.8.8

OpenOffice.org 3.2.1

Gimp 2.6.11

VLC 1.1.5

Transmission 2.13

Miro a.k.a. Democracy Player 3.5

Samba 3.4.9

CUPS 1.4.5

BSD, FreBSD, Free Software, OpenSource.