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[New Torrent] salix64-lxde-13.37.iso

Started by dytch2220, August 20, 2011, 11:33:29 AM

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Salix OS 13.37 \"LXDE\"

George Vlahavas has announced the release of Salix OS 13.37 \"LXDE\" edition, a Slackware-based desktop distribution featuring the lightweight LXDE desktop environment: \"Salix LXDE 13.37 has been officially released. This release is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. For everyone that has used our previous LXDE releases there are no surprises here. The application selection has stayed the same for the most part, with all applications being upgraded to newer versions. Important changes in this release are the inclusion of Sourcery, our new graphical tool for managing and installing packages from SlackBuilds, which has been developed from scratch for Salix and also the replacement of SCIM with IBus as the default input platform for Chinese, Japanese, etc.\" Here is the full release announcement. Download (MD5): salix-lxde-13.37.iso (485MB, torrent), salix64-lxde-13.37.iso (458MB, torrent).