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[New Torrent] Peppermint-6-20150518-amd64

Started by friTTe, June 01, 2015, 06:34:02 PM

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Peppermint is excited to announce the launch of our latest operating system Peppermint Six. Lightweight and designed for speed, Peppermint Six delivers on that promise whether using software on your desktop, online, or using cloud based apps.

Initially, Peppermint One was designed out of our desire for an operating system optimized for working online. Each year since then, we have improved on it, and we are very excited about new and improved features in Peppermint Six.

Shane Remington, COO of Peppermint, states, "I want to take this opportunity to thank Mark Greaves who stepped up and produced most of what you see here in Peppermint Six. Mark is now playing a major role here at Peppermint by leading the development team. I think you will be impressed what he and the others have put together in Peppermint Six."

Peppermint Six Highlights

Peppermint 6 is still built on the 14.04 LTS (Long Term Support) base, but we've moved to the 14.04.2 "point release" which includes the 3.16 kernel and an updated graphics stack.
(this is to sidestep the upstream 9 month support issue that comes
with basing on the not LTS code bases).
We're now using the Nemo file manager, which gives some nice new features including the ability to handle custom nemo action scripts, better desktop management, easier mounting and management of remote network shares (including Windows SMB shares, WebDAV, FTP, SFTP over SSH, etc.), and a smoother overall experience.
Along with our policy of not sticking with standard LXDE
components where better choices are available, we've dropped the
LXTerminal in favour of Sakura which allows tabbed terminals,
scrolling, and Gtk+3 color handling including background images.
The Update Manager has been replaced with MintUpdate, but with the same settings as update-manager, so the bottom panel update shield makes a comeback.
In line with user feedback and proven format handling Guayadeque and Gnome MPlayer have been replace with VLC as a "one app to play them all" replacement.
The default image viewer has been changed from Mirage to the eog (Eye of Gnome) image viewer.
The xfce4-power-manager has been replaced by mate-power-manager and i3lock replaces light-locker as the default ScreenLock which was causing problems for some users.
We've moved to the Gnome Search Tool which has a more intuitive user interface, and finer grained control of search criteria.
The new Wallpaper manager (based on nitrogen) now makes wallpaper management a breeze, just right-click on the desktop and select "Change Desktop Background" and you'll see what we mean. The ability to right-click any image file and choose "Set as wallpaper" is also still present.
Linux Mint's USB creation tools "mintstick" are now included by default, making the creation of LiveUSB's from isohybrid ISO images and the formatting of USB sticks as simple as it gets.
Peppermix is our new window manager and widget theme, and for all the dark theme lovers out there (and we know you are legion), we've included a dark version "Peppermix-Dark".
Smaller tweaks include 2 new keyboard shortcuts:-
PrtSc = save a whole screen capture to your desktop
Alt+PrtSc = save just the active window to your desktop
The addition of a right click "Calculate MD5 Checksum" context menu
The activation of the F4 = "Open Terminal Here" Nemo accelerator
And various bug fixes.
We invite you to compare Peppermint to other operating systems, we are confident you will be impressed. To take Peppermint Six out for a test drive, visit our website at peppermintos.com where you can download it for free. If you need help installing Peppermint Six, or have any questions about using it, we have a second-to-none user support team at forum.peppermintos.com.

About Peppermint OS LLC

Peppermint OS LLC is a software company, based in Asheville, North Carolina. Founded in 2010, we are committed to building the best operating system for both enterprise and consumers available on the widest range of devices. To find out more about our company, please visit us at http://peppermintos.com.
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