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[New Torrent] pclinuxos-xfce-cr-201410

Started by DeBaas, October 02, 2014, 02:19:39 PM

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This is the full 32bit pclinuxos-xfce-cr-201410.iso
The PCLinuxOS Xfce Comunity Remaster is offered in both x86 and x86_64 architecture, each architecture in two variants: - full version which includes many useful and popular applications User level: beginner, medium, advanced - "Base" version which comes only with the basic system User level: advanced Passwords: root - root guest - no password Features: - kernel 3.16.3 - syslinux 6.3 - xorg 1.14.6 Applications for the full version: - Archiving – xfburn, Peazip - Disk management: Gparted - Internet – Firefox web browser, Thunderbird e-mail client, TeamViewer, Skype, Xchat, Transmission, NitroShare, Great Little Radio - Graphics – GIMP, ImageMagik, Ristretto image viewer, Simplescan - Multimedia – Deadbeef audio player,VLC media player, Camorama webcam viewer, DeVeDe - Office – LibreOffice production suite, AbiWord text processor, Evince pdf reader And more... Have fun! :)  Technical support site: http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php  http://pclinuxosxfcecomunityremaster.sourceforge.net/  http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php/topic,128098.msg1076553.html#msg1076553