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[New Torrent] LMDE-Release-Candidate-Torrent-ISOs

Started by lizzi-swane, March 24, 2014, 11:47:59 AM

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A Torrent of torrents. These are the release candidate iso torrents for Linux Mint Debian Edition. Verified as of 2014-03-24. Torrents with a (1) were created with LinuxTracker.org to fix missing torrents or broken trackers. It is highly recommended to use the production isos as the release candidates might have not work as perfectly on your machine as the production isos. This torrent only contains the torrents of release candidates. Extra care was given to broken trackers and missing torrents to find urls that contained working isos and those iso urls were then embeded into the torrents in what is known as a web seed url to help those defucnt torrents to function well,
(NOW with extra Vroom!),
So, Please!, If you find a broken tracker or any problems whatsoever, send an email to lizzi (dot) swane (at) gmail (dot) com so that some repair may be made.

As always and forever, Thanks to the Linux Mint Team for creating this wonderous distro known as Linux Mint Debian Edition and for their dedication in ever perfecting it.