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[New Torrent] Netrunner 3.3

Started by johncoom, July 01, 2011, 02:17:53 AM

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Clemens Toennies has announced the release of Netrunner 3.2, a Kubuntu-based desktop distribution:

We just released Netrunner 3.2 for download. Changes from the last version are as follows: added LibreOffice (office suite) 3.3.2 to replace OpenOffice.org; added Clementine (music player); added Deluge (torrent client); added Dropbox (including Kfilebox for Dolphin); added Skype (VoIP); added GNOME NetworkManager to replace KNetworkManager; updated KDE desktop to 4.6.2, Firefox browser to 5.0, Flash plugin to, Thunderbird (email client including Lightning calendar) to 3.1.10, VLC (media player) to 1.1.10, Wine (Windows environment layer) to 1.3.22, Pidgin (messenger client) to 2.7.11, GIMP (graphic program) to 2.6.11.

See Release Announcement: http://www.netrunner-os.com/netrunner-3-2-released/