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[New Torrent] Synergy Linux LiveCD 2 Alpha 3 x86

Started by jmiahman, June 18, 2011, 02:47:14 AM

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The Synergy Linux crew is proud to announce the 3rd and final Alpha release of Synergy Linux 2. In this release we include a few updates and additions. Base System Packages include KDE 4.6.4, Kernel and all the packages that are offered from the Fedora 15 repository. Changes from Alpha 2 to Alpha 3 include some graphic work with kplash, a more simplified version of of our Plymouth theme and updates to the "Compressed Installer" fixing a bug that didn't update UUID's in syslinux.cfg. Additions include gtk-gnash for some flash support, Quickformat (a Simple and fast USB Drive formatter) and Arora (A Webbrowser to test gtk-gnash). The ISO already included other applications like Claws-Mail (a Mail Client) and Kword (a Word Processors). For a more complete Application list for check the forum announcement. Please leave feedback!

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