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[New Torrent] SuperX_2.0_Darwin_64-bit

Started by Kjetil, May 25, 2013, 07:21:25 AM

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Wrishiraj Kaushik has announced the release of SuperX 2.0, an Ubuntu-based desktop Linux distribution with KDE 4.10.2: "This is SuperX 2.0, code-named 'Darwin'. It comes with Linux kernel 3.2 and KDE 4.10.2 by default. For those who want newer kernels, they are available in the repository. SuperX 2.0 is a whole new release of SuperX which differs fundamentally from the 1.x releases. Starting from SuperX 2.0 we are going our own way, making a diversion from our upstream distribution. We still use the Ubuntu code base but from this release we only use the LTS versions and development is done on its solid foundation. But unlike other solid, stability-concerned Linux operating systems, we provide the latest userland software like LibreOffice 4 and KDE 4.10. Starting from Darwin, we are keeping our core stable but will provide latest and greatest applications.
